Ordinary Language by Sarah Greig, Roula Partheniou, and Kyla Mallett
Empire by Robert Tombs
Correspondences by Abbas Akhavan
Solar Flares and Spires by Michael Amar
New Works by Ulrich Panzer
Condolence by Greg Staats
Morning Glory by Kate Yüksel
Second Life by Jane Derby
Your face, like a lone nocturnal garden in Worlds where Suns spin round! by Susy Oliveira
88 Years by Decomposing Pianos
Glide by Aubrey Reeves
Paleofuturity featuring artists Jason de Haan, Lauren Hall, James K-M, Mac McArthur, Iriz Pääbo, and Holly Ward
‘The Rough Edge of Beauty’ Annual Juried Exhibition featuring artists Jessica Marion Barr, Mackenzie Browning, Decomposing Pianos (Owen Fernley and Julia Krolik), Frank DeSa, Rebecca Houston, Maayke Schurer, Su Sheedy, Andrew Sims, and David Woodward
‘No Two Alike’ Annual Members Show & Sale
Events and Workshops
Square Pegs IV: Film Screening at Market Square in partnership with AKA Gallery in Saskatoon
Video Surplus/Varied Toil Film Screening featuring artists James Goddard, Cooper Battersby & Emily Vey Duke, and Nahed Mansour
Acting Out, Claiming Space: Indigenous Performance Art Series
Perte de Signal: Resilencies presented in association with Kingston Canadian Film Festival
Vapours Concert featuring Old Haunt, Sam Shalabi, Reena Katz
Vapours Concert featuring Alcrete, Dreamcatcher, and Disguises
Vapours Concert featuring YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN, and Pop Talk
Video Screening and Artist Talk with Mansoor Behnam