Infinite Silences by Amanda White
Spill by Carolyn Code
She Shells by Lisa DiQuinzio and Heather Goodchild
TEOTWAYKI by Mike Marcon
Animal/Séance by Rebecca Anweiler
Traces by Stéfy McKnight
Recycled Sensations by Dong-Kyoon Nam
Exhibitions (continued)
Re Books by Lise Melhorn-Boe
Common Names by Carina Magazzeni, Gabriel Cheung, & Katharine Vingoe-Cram
Dust is Dancing by Paul Kajander, Laurie Kang and Colin Miner
Traveller by Jay White
UnMapping the Last Best West by Barabara Meneley
Events and Workshops
Modern Yule Annual Member Show + Sale featuring artists Michelle Bunton, Amanda Cannella, Phoebe Cohoe, Gabriel Deerman, Frank DeSa, Danielle Folkerts, Ella Gonzales, Susanna Gordon, Deena Jacobs, Ashley King, Ramolen Laruan, Ineke MacNab, Carina Magazzeni, Hennie Marsh, Matthew Rogalsky, Kelly Addison Scriven, Aida Sulcs, Harry Symons
Associations Group Exhibition featuring artists Michelle Bunton, Candice Davies, Elise Boudreau Graham, Gabriel Deerman, Fraser McCallum, and Anne-Marie Proulx