Soft Abs by Miranda Aschenbrenner, Melanie Authier, Christine Baigent, Milly Ristvedt
Full Colour Hype by Benjamin Nelson
Tone Deaf 7 by Jo-anne Balcaen, Brian Joseph Davis, Steven Laurie
Forest Station by David Ross, Yvette Poorter
Infra-Ordinary by Christine D’Onofrio, Toni Hafkenscheid, Dave Kemp, Preston Schiedel, Colin Zipp
Static by Steve Coates
Taken by Dave Kemp
Exhibitions (continued)
Façade by Lynne Wynick
Buffalo Boy’s “Do Not Feel the Buffalo: Moving Camp” by Adrian Stimson
we know where we are by Julia Mensink and Lisa Visser
Parallel World: The Architecture of Survival by Vessna Perunovich and Boja Vasic
All We Leave Behind by Nathan McNinch
Donkey Skin by Haq, Passmore, Rousseau, Turnbull
Slide Show by Mark Thompson
Throwing Tomatoes at the Sky: 10th Annual Regional Juried Exhibition

Events and Workshops
On Abstraction & Art (Artist Talk) by Robert Linsley
Vapours Concert featuring Europe in Colour, Maylee and Slipper’s Sweatshop Hop
Between Barrios: Rene Francis & the Art of Social Interaction by Rene Francisco