Liquid State by Ryan Park
I know it upsets you by The Shell Projects
100WOMEN100YEARSartARCHIVE by Liz Rae Dalton and Kathy Piercy
A Vast Metabolism by Noah Scheinman
Reflections, Annual Juried Exhibition by Natasha Jabre, Taylor Kennedy, Michele LaRose, Matthew Nagendran, and Paula Whyle
RE:MEMBER 2020 Annual Members’ Show and Sale featuring artists Michael Amar, Rebecca Anweiler, Shannon Brown, Alex Creighton, Ann Decker, Frank DeSa, Vera Donefer, Cariston Fawcett, Dave Gordon, Valerie Hounsell, Natasha Jabre, Jean JamiesonHanes, JAWK, Chasity Johnson, Taylor Kennedy, Frances Key, Michèle LaRose, Ramolen Laruan, Ineke MacNab, Sean Morris, Mathew Nagendran, Mary Peppard, Jill Price, Bree Rappaport, Joan Scaglione, Julie Davidson Smith, Stephanie Smith, Aida Sulcs, and Paula Whyle
Residencies and Workshops
Long Days Artist Residency featuring artists Greg Ivens, Adrian Deveau, Jen Demitor, and Nicolas Flemming
Sideways Artist Residency featuring artists Michelle Bunton, William Carroll, Francisco Corbett, Grace Katie Dixon, Brian Hoad, Deena Jacobs, Jean Jamieson-Hanes, and Rafael MacDonald
Making Art Work: Writing an Artist Statement facilitated by deneige nadeau (September 19th, 2020)
Making Art Work: Curatorial Practices and Methodologies facilitated by Sunny Kerr and Carina Magazzeni (October 17th, 2020)
Making Art Work: Preparing for Public Art Calls facilitated by Taylor Norris (November 21st, 2020)

Round Table Discussions
Round Table Discussion: Artists as Climate Activists led by Michael Amar (February 1st, 2020)
Round Table Discussion: Art as Disruption led by Devin West (February 25th, 2020)
Round Table Discussion: Creating in Isolation led by Anne-Sophie Grenier (April 28th, 2020)
Round Table Discussion: Showcasing your Artwork Locally led by Anne-Sophie Grenier and Danielle Folkerts (November 4th, 2020)