Saskatchewan Maritime Museum by Todd Gronsdahl
Reflection of a Window by Ella Gonzales
études vivantes by Bjornerud & Jerezano, Paul Chartrand, Liam Cole, Noni Kaur, Andrew Testa, and Ana Valine
Documents from Antarctica by Kristie MacDonald
rough as silk by hiba ali
Carrying Distance by Abedar Kamgari
Still Life by Anna Soper
Exhibitions (continued)
Moving Forward, Looking Back Annual Juried Exhibition pt. 1 featuring artists Andy Berg, Claire Grady-Smith, Frances Key, Lise Melhorn-Boe, and JoAnn Ralph
Moving Forward, Looking Back Annual Juried Exhibition pt. 2 featuring artists Emebet Belete, Rebecca Cowan, Elyse Longair, Kathleen Sellars, and Lorne Singer
Offsite Exhibition Series: Moving Forward, Looking Back (presenting 45 years of Contemporary Art)

Events and Round Table Discussions
RE:MEMBER 2022 Annual Member Show + Sale
Long Days Artist Residency 2022 featuring artists Jill Glatt, Olivia Piribauer, Mike Lukaszuk, and Tonya Corkey
Modern Fuel’s 45th Anniversary Celebration hosted at the Tett Centre (October 20th, 2022)
Round Table Discussion: History of KAAI/Modern Fuel led by Dave Gordon (March 10th, 2022)
Round Table Discussion: Municipal Funding for Artists led by Michelle Bunton and GHY Cheung (May 25th, 2022)
Round Table Discussion: Artist Engagement with Truth and Reconciliation Comission’s Calls to Action led by Andy Berg (September 28th, 2022)
Round Table Discussion: Art and Mixed-Reality Technologies led by Gabriel Menotti (November 19th, 2022)
Virtual Makefest 2022
‘Making Art Work’ Workshop Series
Focus on Finances Pt. 2, Managing money and taxes as a freelancer facilitated by Tova Epp
Talking About Artist Talks facilitated by Hiba Abdallah
Preparing Portfolios facilitated by David McClyment
Documentation for Artists facilitated by Jessica Thalmann
Creating an Artist Website facilitated by Kelsey Newman Reed and Hannah Schaub
Commissions facilitated by Chantal Rousseau

‘Shallow Dives’ Workshop Series
Exploring Colour Theory facilitated by Michelle Reid (April 10th, 2022) hosted at Tie One On Creativity Bar
Linocut & Printmaking facilitated by Jill Glatt (April 20th, 2022) hosted at The Grad Club
Shallow Dive into Clay facilitated by Diane Black (May 7th, 2022) hosted at Diane Black Studios
Encaustic Art facilitated by Julie Davidson Smith (May 28th, 2022) hosted at Modern Fuel
Principles of Perspective Drawing facilitated by John Wright (June 5th, 2022) hosted at Modern Fuel
Calligraphy facilitated by Nada G (July 23rd, 2022) hosted at Kingston School of Art
Intro to Photography facilitated by Dmitry Uchitel (September 23rd, 2022) hosted at McBurney Park / Skeleton Park
Representing Music through Visual Art facilitated by Savannah Shea (October 23rd, 2022) hosted at Musikki