Group Exhibition
Aryen Hoekstra, David Court, & Shane Krepakevich – 2016
“The artists reflect on prevailing modes of representation—on format and framing—in an attempt to situate cultural production within the social structures and spaces through which it unfolds.”
Modern Fuel is pleased to present a group exhibition with both collaborative and independent works by Aryen Hoekstra, David Court and Shane Krepakevich. In Modern Fuel’s Main Gallery, the artists reflect on prevailing modes of representation—on format and framing—in an attempt to situate cultural production within the social structures and spaces through which it unfolds. The artists question the formal and material boundaries of both the work and its exhibition space, while extending this questioning to the role and function of boundaries more broadly. The space between the work and its reception, and the act of making public—as with the publication of a text, a public screening or the public exhibition of art—become central, revealing processes, points of departure that develop in diverse, indeterminate directions.

About the Artists
Aryen Hoekstra, David Court, and Shane Krepakevich—
Aryen Hoekstra is the co-founder of Garden Avenue, a summer-long exhibition project occurring monthly in his shared backyard. Recent and upcoming exhibition venues include, Mercer Union (Toronto, ON); 8-11 (Toronto, ON); Scotiabank Nuit Blanche (Toronto, ON); the Art Gallery of Alberta (Edmonton, AB); Gallery 44 (Toronto, ON); Forest City Gallery (London, ON); Blackwood Gallery (Mississauga, ON); Xpace Cultural Centre (Toronto, ON); Olga Korper Gallery (Toronto, ON). His writing on contemporary art has appeared in Canadian Art, C Magazine, Border Crossings, Magenta Magazine, and Towards Magazine. Since spring 2014 Hoekstra has served as the Director of G Gallery in Toronto, ON.
David Court is an artist and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. David has exhibited and published solo and collaborative work with Art Papers, C Magazine, Fillip, the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, Museo de la Ciudad Querétaro, Printed Matter, and Skol Center des Arts Actuels. He has recently been an Artist-in-Residence in the Workspace program of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council and the Interrupt 3 conference at Brown University, Providence.
Shane Krepakevich is an artist and designer living in Toronto. Drawing from an educational background in geology and art, he produces objects, writing, and exhibitions.