Martina Muck – 2014
Private conversations were shared between the artist and each individual, and while written sentences provided by the contributors give a sense to the value of the objects, what still remains is the mystery inherent in these vessels.
Martina Muck’s installation Memory is comprised of illuminated objects. The vessels have been sought out from members of the Kingston community, and are given over to the artist to use for the duration of the exhibition. Private conversations were shared between the artist and each individual, and while written sentences provided by the contributors give a sense to the value of the objects, what still remains is the mystery inherent in these vessels, illuminated and casting shadows. There are the shapes and signs of wear—a chip here and a crack there—perhaps an attempt at mending. Memory addresses the illumination of the everyday, and its dispersion.

About the Artist
Martina Muck
Martina Muck lives in Muenster, Germany. Her practice is primarily sculptural, and informed by kinetics and shadow theatre. Martina Muck studied at the Academy of Arts (Muenster) and is a member of the collective Foerderverein Aktuelle Kunst. She has exhibited work since 1990, including exhibitions at the Kuenstlerhaus Dortmand, Municipal Theatre (Muenster), LWL Museum (Herne) and the Stadtmuseum (Muenster). This is her first exhibition in Canada. This exhibition was generously funded by Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.