Minor Works
Jeff Barbeau – 2014
“Photography is perhaps the most popular method these days for producing more and more images. Surely one has found oneself included in an image this way, or have subjected others to the process. We have probably all gotten carried away in this regard. Indeed, it has come to the point where it feels intolerable to let any given experience pass without some documentation. One must now testify to it having been memorable. We do what we can.”

“I have imagined Minor Works as a form of recollection. The images that are brought together here are meant to show a measure of composure. They set a tone; provide a sense of atmosphere. They are, after this fashion, memories that have gained a certain detachment from my own experience and the world as a whole. Despite my arranging them, I think it is safe to say that they now have a life of their own. Generated half-way between representations and things, incorporating thought and materiality, they are unified into momentary expression by a click. Real as real can be. Imagine that.” – Jeff Barbeau
About the Artist
Jeff Barbeau—
Jeff Barbeau makes images and likes to think about what it means to do aesthetics in the twenty-first century. Henri Bergson and William James are big for him, of late. This is his first show.