Modern Fest
Members’ Show & Sale – 2016
This year our Members Show and Sale will feature two opportunities to show and see work with Modern Fest featuring work in both galleries and What is Modern? (online).
Event Announcement:
Come and party with Modern Fuel on December 3rd as we celebrate our Members Show and Sale with live music presented by local artists Anna Sudac and Jesse MacMillan and a dance party with local DJs DJ Aquamarine (Ed Vey), DJ LK (Elle Kay) and DJ Flamingo (Wendy Huot). We invite you to come and support your local non-profit Artist Run Centre, maybe get some holiday shopping out of the way, and boogie down to some local talent!
Refreshments will be served. Admission is by donation, with a suggested donation of $5 for students, $10 for non-students.
Participating artists: Michael Amers, Andy Berg, Shannon Brown, Shayne Dark, Frank DeSa, Vera Donafer, Nancy Douglas, Peggy Fussel, Dave Gordon, Frances Key, Carina Magazzeni, Hennie Marsh, Judith Popiel, Jocelyn Purdie, JoAnn Ralph, Aleksandra Rdest, Kathleen Reichelt, Milly Ristvedt, Matt Rogalsky, Joan Scaglione, Kelly A Scriven and Katharine Vingoe Cram.