(613) 548-4883 info@modernfuel.org

Suffering, Contained

Miriam Jordan – 2006

Suffering, Contained explored the manner in which affliction is represented and displayed in contemporary culture.

Presenting an installation of distorted and miniatured body parts from beeswax, contained in small red lacquered boxes, Jordan appreciates the grotesque nature of the work in that it is an attempt to control death through display: embodying the mannor in which we try to tame pain and cage death, in vain attempts to create a safe distance between us and its exquisite inescapability. Programmed according to conceptual connections with the theme ‘foreign states’.

About the Artist

Miriam Jordon


Miriam Jordon is a Haudenosaunee interdisciplinary artist and writer, whose work meditates on the harsh beauty and inevitable reality of death.

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