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There and not there

Michael Amar – 2021

There and not there

the darkness of the shadow
and then disappears
seeing a form
touching it
the thing is not there
in time framed
a presence is felt
in absences
everyday with breath
there and not there
the fullness of a void emerges
place is always in question
moving from place to unknown place
with uncertainty
water running through
like memory unable to hold
all references fade into a darkness

There and not there was on display in the Window Gallery from March 20, 2021 to August 20, 2021.

Photos by Chris Miner.

About the Artist

Michael Amar


Since the early eighties to the present Michael worked and exhibited as an artist in Ontario. In 1988, he applied and was admitted to Queen’s University to obtain his teaching certificate. Life came to a full circle: he became a visual art teacher at Central Technical School where he studied. This school had solidified his choice as a practising artist. In 2008, he retired from teaching to devote his time to sculpture, drawing and painting. All the forgoing stories enriched his work as he devotes his time completely to sculpture, drawing and painting.

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