with the horse and the bee, twirling in a field of yellow flowers
Yuula Benivolski – 2024
“…i was so lonely while filming my “hometown” and in full dissociation mode ~ i was alone facing a reality that somehow was made invisible to ppl around me. nothing and no one felt real. except nature! which was in full bloom, each flower made me overwhelmingly happy and emotional, so my shooting days stretched way past darkness, just before the last train home. i spent those days with the horse and the bee twirling in a field of yellow flowers, so much yellow everywhere…”
with the horse and the bee, twirling in a field of yellow flowers features works developed from a personal archive of images, video clips, journal entries, postcards and other ephemera, collected over years and woven together into narratives.
Images courtesy of the artist.

About the Artist
Yuula Benivolski
Yuula Benivolski works in photography, film/video and installation. She uses auto-fiction and personal narratives to encourage a closer understanding of collective memories and their historical contexts.